Sunday, 11 December 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like christmas...

Well now is the time to take stock of whether we all have been naughty or nice... 
Father Christmas's visit is imminent... All I can say is that wendy and I have been far too busy to be naughty.... and nice is all we ever are ... lucky for us me thinks! 
It has been action packed with markets every weekend - its been so lovely meeting and chatting with you friendly folk ! - and this week we have two twilighties before our final market on saturday. Just a reminder about our market venues...

Tuesday December 13th - 
Hawthorn Town Hall - 5.30 - 9.30pm

Friday 16th December - 
- Brunswick Town hall - Twilight 5 - 9pm

Saturday 17th December - 
- Brunswick Town Hall 10 - 4pm

And further good news ...I have updated our etsy site with some of our new stock - yay! So take a peek at our etsy shop - there just might be something there that you can write in a letter to santa about : )

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Upcoming Market Dates

Just a brief moment of coming up for air before it's heads down again preparing for our upcoming markets.
Get your pencils out chaps - here they come...

Sunday November 20th -  
 Ghilgai  Steiner   School   Fair - 
295 Liverpool rd Kilsyth - 10 - 4pm

Sunday November 27th
at the Caufield Racecourse

Sunday December 4th
at the Hawthorn Town Hall 10 - 3pm

Saturday December 10th 
- Monkami Craft Market - 
Croydon Rd, Croydon 10 - 3pm

Tuesday December 13th
Hawthorn Town Hall - 5.30 - 9.30pm

Friday 16th December
- Brunswick Town hall - Twilight 5 - 9pm

Saturday 17th December
- Brunswick Town Hall 10 - 4pm

How busy are we???!!! Hope to see you there x

Thursday, 6 October 2011

hi ho hi's off to work we go....

Well I am back and revitalised after spending two weeks (and 6 days driving!) soaking up the sun, soaking in the ocean, and soaking up the wine with delicious thai takeaway dinners.....sigh.....what I would give to taste that lemongrass and lime curry again .....
But back to the bluewren business - yes markets ! Lots coming up and lotsa work to do in between them...

Our next market adventure will be at the
a new artsy venture starting up out here in sunny Croydon.
 It will be held on the second sat of every month at the old fire station, 
14A Croydon Rd, Croydon 10 - 3pm. 

And if that isn't exciting enough we will also be at the 
 on November the 27th at the Caufield Racecourse, Station St, Caufield 9 - 1 pm. 

So much to do! 
So come and visit and say g'day.... check out our new wares and those of our fellow crafty folk.

love sarah 

Friday, 16 September 2011

To market to market ...

Well we have been busy working on our market calendar for Christmas markets
Our last market at red hill was wonderful; such a busy market filled with wonderful creative people selling their wares. There is so much talent in Melbourne town it is a thrill to be involved ! The great news is that we will (or should I say Wendy will be - I am afraid that I have selfishly taken to the beaches in Byron bay - sigh ) be down at red hill again Saturday October 1st so bring the trolley down and have a peruse at what's on offer. Don't forget the inside stalls as that is where we shall be !Hope to see y'all
Love Sarah

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Just a quickie......

Our 'Lippity Loppity Bloomers' in organic cotton - just so sweet for the littluns. Surely is "too cute just gotta pick her up and cuddle" wear ...... : )

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Its all a~go~go!

Another super productive night at the wheel...foot to the peddle...working joyously into the wee hours of the morn! What else is there to do, with these glorious days filled with the promise of spring all about? So much frolicking in the sunshine and the garden to fit in to the day, our new summer creations in to the night ~ ideas still bustling and bursting forth, we simply can't keep up with them!

We have some exciting new market dates to show off our wares coming up, the beautiful and very abundant Red Hill Community Market on Saturday September 3rd, that's only 10 days away!!! and while you have your diaries open... two dates in December, friday night 16th and Saturday 17th that make up the Sisters' Markets Christmas markets. We are thrilled to be a part of this market, always such a delightful array of gorgie treasures to be found!

So happily back to it for us, more market dates coming up...exciting busy times!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Meanwhile Back at the Lab.... a Bluewren Snap....

This Bluewren moment - a moment in the week ... captured but not spoken... savoured and appreciated as an image can speak a thousand words.. Inspired by the maiden hair tree who was inspired by SouleMama

Out of the egg.....

What a great day we had at Hatch market ! T'was surely a wonderful energy around the place - the building was appropriately grungy with lots of light and tall ceilings to house all that creativity! We were running on not much sleep and lotsa coffee - we totally underestimated the amount of time required to get ready for a market (being newbies at all this)...  and so as wonderful as our stall looked, we probably looked a little haggard around the edges and maybe a bit dribbly!! Never-the-less the excitement carried us through the day! So many wonderfully friendly and creative designers shared the space along side us - it was surely a treat to be involved! Stay tuned for our next market outing .... to be posted very soon... until then I think we are still catching up on much needed sleep....just aint as young as we used to be sigh

OH! But before I head off to the land of nod ... we have finally got our twitterings together and listed our bits and bobs on etsy! Head over to our etsy shop to browse our latest offerings ... you just never know what you might find there!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

We have hatched!!!

A little bleary eyed, immensely sleep deprived and nonsensically (but thats nothing new!) ....we arrive to bring this our first range... our first babies, ready for take off into the design world at the wonderfully eclectic

Hatch Market to be held at 
1000 £ Bend, 
361 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 11am-4pm.

Our collection of yummy screen printed fabric treats have really been keeping us up way past our bed times but The Love we have for the creative processes involved has been worth the inability to speak after midnight. Infact, we don't turn into pumpkins after midnight, we turn into blithering dribbling babbling potatoes. But still with a desperate urge and commitment to create!

We are a couple of gals from Melbourne with the combined skills of fine art, dress making, printmaking, photography, and textile design, creating beautiful things from the overflowing pot of combined ideas that just doesn't seem to stop ....pot....stop! So how did we get here? ~ we're not quite sure (though don't ask us after midnight!)... keen as mustard after our last screen printing sessions with those wonderful Harvest Textiles gals; there was just no stopping that your fill of porridge!!! 

So welcome to our blog where we shall keep you informed of any Bluewren happenings, babblings, gatherings, and musings. If you want to go treasure hunting find us at our Bluewren Textile store on etsy.

Come and meet us down at Hatch Market, part of the Craft Victoria Craft Cubed Festival, we would love to see you hear your thoughts...

and finally what you've all been waiting for... The Money Shot...

we apologise for leaving you with that image....te he...
x sarah and wendy x