Just a brief moment of coming up for air before it's heads down again preparing for our upcoming markets.
Get your pencils out chaps - here they come...
Sunday November 20th -
Ghilgai Steiner School Fair -
295 Liverpool rd Kilsyth - 10 - 4pm
Sunday November 27th -
at the Caufield Racecourse
Sunday December 4th -
at the Hawthorn Town Hall 10 - 3pm
Saturday December 10th
- Monkami Craft Market -
Croydon Rd, Croydon 10 - 3pm
Tuesday December 13th -
Hawthorn Craft Market - Twilight Market -
Hawthorn Town Hall - 5.30 - 9.30pm
Friday 16th December -
- Brunswick Town hall - Twilight 5 - 9pm
Saturday 17th December -
- Brunswick Town Hall 10 - 4pm
How busy are we???!!! Hope to see you there x