I have to say folks that the baltic winds were blowing at The Sisters Market in Northcote yesterday! Mainly due to a massive sliding door that seemed to be open for a good part of the day. Fortunately I had my knitting to keep my hands moving and even tho I felt my major organs to be shutting down by the end of the day (I couldn't quite get my lips to move when I tried to speak ... they kept getting caught on my teeth in a weird slo-mo way...) it was a lovely treat to meet so many of you and to have lovely warming conversations with fellow art and crafty types!
...blossom cushions...
...Kiddies blossom bags...
... 100% linen tea towells ..
...our blossom cushions...
Not to mention all the other scrummy bits on sale from fellow artisans...
The beautiful illustration work from artist
Elise Hurst - her framed prints, cards, notebooks were really wonderful. It is so great to see illustration as an art form beyond picture books - yay to that!
Of course there were so many more delicious bits and bobs but there is only so much time for chatting and knitting and selling and gazing. Speaking of gazing ... looking up at the ceiling was an architectural treat...
...I would gaze and wonder about ALL THAT WARMTH just hovering up there while I shivered down below....sigh...